
In politics, let's:

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Democracy is a cornerstone of our society...

... but without efficient communication
between politicians and voters,
corruption easily takes root.

Are you ready to make lasting change in American politics?



We will all know What Voters Want.
We will grade Representatives' Performance
and Challengers' Plans.

Who is PeopleCount for?

You care about political issues

You want America to be a truly representative democracy of, by, and for The People.

You care about America

You want Congress to act in America's best interest, not favoring the wealthy, partisan extremists, or foreign interests.

You care about our future

You want Congress to be accountable to The People for creating a future of prosperity, security, well-being, freedom, and justice.

What is PeopleCount?


A Non-Partisan Political Communication Site

A political communication platform just for voters and politicians. So elected officials and candidates can be accountable to voters and only to voters, not to the wealthy or the parties.

You'll vote on issues, see the results, and view and grade reports on issues from politicians.

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For the Public

PeopleCount's purpose: to enable democracy to thrive, by creating the communication channels needed for politicians to be accountable to voters.Non-partisan and never sharing your private information.

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How does PeopleCount work?

Voters vote on issues

Voters and Politicians view Results to know what should be done.

Voters sign up for reports on issues important to them.

Politicians report. They give their perspective and an account of promises, progress, and plans.

Voters grade their performance. Everyone sees their cumulative grades.

Citizens are involved in issues they care about, their desires count, and they get to know both incumbents and challengers. At very low cost, politicians communicate with voters on the issues important to voters.

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Is PeopleCount right for You?

Yes, this is for you if:

You care about America, our future, and are willing to take action.

You're excited about a new paradigm for politics based on partnership and accountability.

You're curious to see if politics can actually be fixed.

No, this is not, if you're happy with:

Hi, I'm Rand

I'm an expert problem-solver, software engineer, father, husband, dog owner, homeowner, Stanford graduate, Landmark graduate, and American.

When I discovered I was resigned about politics, I gave it up and looked anew. I became curious and looked deeper for months. I was amazed to find the root cause of our political problems:

Politicians CAN NOT be accountable to voters!

Then I saw, using the web, we can fix this! And until an organization is in place taking care of this, the responsibility starts with me.

It starts in America. Let's fix our political system as the first step to making a world that works for everyone.

Please join us.


I have worked hard on PeopleCount's design for over a decade.

I promise to aspire to the highest ethics. With a few thousand initial supports, this is doable.

Let's stop settling for a problematic political system.
Let's create one that we love.

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Copyright 2023-2024, Rand Strauss, All Rights Reserved.